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bout muah
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MaeYan aka Yan.
November is where you're suppose to give me presents.
A Sunway student,proud of it.
Graduated from CAT,ACCA here I come.
Wanna know more bout me? ask me =D
I love,
all my beloved munkey friends.
I hate,
backstabbers,liars,empty promises.
I'm scared,
of lizards and more lizards.
I am,
who I am (;

Calendar Year 2010

4th Jan-Classes commence
8th Jan-Agnes Huay's B'day
12th Jan-ChernYi's B'day
14th Jan-JinLe & Phillip's B'day
16th Jan-MikeCampton's B'day
18th Jan-YihFei's B'day
23rd Jan-YewEng's B'day
27th Jan-Jessica's B'day
29th Jan-HanKing's B'day
29-2nd Feb-In Bangkok
30-31st Jan-10th Annual Bangkok Hat

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Monday, August 31, 2009


Supa backdated post. lol.

Anyway~ The 3 of us practically camwhored to the extreme that day. lol

I had fun xD We so havta do this again. ^^



Love this pic but bit blur :(


ps: missing the blondie. ;p

♥8:16 PM

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Short msg:

hectic hectic hectic.

I finally watched UP. I think the movie was kinda boring at a point maybe coz its too friggin dark to my liking? Otherwise, it was good. =)

Surprised Mariam during frisbee.

I gotta admit, I actually forgot how crazy you guys are over the brownies till I saw it again on friday. lols. Will do more when I can kay ;) (I still owe so many ppl D;)

Went for Carebear's physical training at 9am at KBU. It was crazily tiring, I swear I couldn't feel my thigh during pickup.

Mart asked how many points have I played, a couple I answered. Then he say go play more, you were doing good. LoLs. Well, I managed to D twice at the zone, scored once and catch 1 that everyone missed. haha.

Went out with michii n nana today. I think we ate DAM alot lorh. okay.
Rephrase, I think I ate DAM alot today, seriously!

ps: any plans for Merdeka celebration?

♥12:28 AM

Friday, August 28, 2009

Short msg:

Yesterday was really random. Well, we were suppose to watch a movie first then badminton. At least that was the original plan.

We ended up not watching the movie but doing other stuff.
Didn't go badminton but went Sing K instead. lols.

The movie will be today tho =D hahaha.

We took alot of pictures while we were in Pyramid. teehee~

Went Monash and lepak with frisbee gang even tho it was raining. Then off to YiPing's house we go ^^ Dinner was great, company was good, had lotsa fun, probably even cheer longan up abit. What more do you want? lols

ps: They thought me how to gamble. lol!

♥8:11 AM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Short msg:

Awesome wedding entrance. lols.

Off to Joey's house now. Gonna catch a movie with the 3 J's and then badminton. Then frisbee for me and lastly off to YiPing's house =D

♥10:33 AM

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MTV World Stage 2009

Finally the post on MTV World Stage that happened on the 15th of August. I know I know, I'm lagging behind.

Anyway~ Firstly have to say thank you to MTV for given us the tix. Lingy wrote in for the competition and not only did she win 2 but 4 red zone tix!

4 Awesome tickets

So, I brought Nana along with me =D


and it was hell finding parking. =_=


Upon entry we got chopped! MTV World Stage Live in M'sia 2009. How sweet is that? :)

1st up was Estranged. For those who don't know who they are you really don't care much bout M'sia artist don't you? Home town boys baby, home town boys.

Boys Like Girls

After Estranged, we have Boys Like Girls! I mean who won't be Love drunk by them?
They started with 'Love Drunk', the famous 'Hero Heroine', followed up by 'Thunder' (it did started to drizzle you see) and finally coming to an end with 'Great Escape'.

Lead singer Martin even climbed up the support pole. Now have you seen that before? *wink*

Intermission inbetween~ So what do we do? Camwhore lorh =p lol! (pictures of me n nana are not in the correct order)



:hearts: this picture

The stage

Well~ this is how close we were =D However,there was this crazily annoying + stinkin biatch who practically was dry humping on nana's leg -_- not to mention feeding us her smelly hair. Good news is she left after Hoobastank.

So anyway~ after Estranged n BLG, next up is Raygun. Never heard of them before but boy their song's are catchy.


Check out their new single - Just because you can.


Right after Raygun,PixieLott came on. All I can is she's pretty and talented for a 18yr old singer. Some of her songs are actually quite catchy if you must ask. Like 'Mama Do' 'Boys n Girls'


Well well well~ spotted at MTV World Stage was Hoobastank. Boy are they good. Haven't heard from them for quite sometime and hence there were one of the most anticipated band of the night.

I mean how could you not love them? He entertains the crowd superbly, he did Ghostbuster out of the random. And of coz The Reason~ is YOU! ;)

So lets see, We had Estranged, BLG, Raygun, PixieLott, Hoobastank. Who's up next?

Come on, you know this.

The All-American Rejects!

They were mind blowing. Seriously! Tyson Ritter literally rock the stage upside down, with his boyish acts. No doubt he loves performing to a drain-out-swimming-pool-full-of-fans.

Tyson wooed his fans with all his heart. Believe me, they are seriously good at entertaining the crowd. Especially the way he said "yeaaaa" was gay BUT sexay!!

Songs they sang for the night was 'Dirty lil Secret', 'Swing swing swing' , 'I wanna', 'The wind blows' , 'It ends tonight' and 'Gives you hell'.

Btw, Tyson climb up the support pole of the other side of the stage, faster and wilder than Martin did. Besides that, notice all the glittery on him? Yup yup yupz, he came out looking as tho he fell in a pool of glitter ^^ and he was already soaking wet -_- Wonder what he was doing backstage ;)


Lastly, Kasabian came on stage. Lead singer was seen wearing shades, his fans are too blinding? I won't know would I. Not really a fan of them, or should I say never heard of them before till now. Didn't like them much, too ego I must say.

However, I still stayed on listening to them rounding up this year's MTV World Stage.

3 of us

Well, lingy gave 1 of the tix to her fren. We had to locate lingy before we could leave as such making Nana getting nagged by her mum. @_@ Sorry my dear, we were suppose to grab McD =(

I send her home in 10mins time! Without breaking my 100kmph promise! XD Say your proud of me. lol

me n lingy

After dropping Nana home, we headed off to McD drive thru. We had time to camwhore simply because the queue was crazily long. I think walk in n take away also faster lorh.. ishk~

Reached home quite late that night. I had fun. =D

btw~ pictures were taken from Here

ps: should ave gotten mosh pit tix, its worth just seeing Tyson up close *drools* lol!!

pps: did u noe AAR's coming? *wink*

♥3:02 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Short msg:

Crazily tired today.
It was great having King YiPing n Darren over.

The things they mention bout duin to you,
put a smile on my face.Yet, a stab in my heart.

Dinner was random lah. Still full till now tho =_=

Johnny Depp is love~ lol

anyway, the post I said thats coming soon.. is coming soon =X

♥12:06 AM

Monday, August 17, 2009

Short msg:

I dislike sore losers.

Don't get me wrong, not talking bout anything that has gotta do with yesterday.

Its just I found out bout something and after some thinking back I realize how much of a wimp you actually are. You could never admit your fault or even take the blame.

ps: realizing it too late.

pps: Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

♥10:01 PM

Short msg:

Honestly, what more did I expect aye? Was already prepared for the full blast of it. It just didn't really occur to me it would strike me that hard.

I thought I could handle it. Guess once again proving myself to be weaker than I thought.

Oh well~

Up next would be bout MTV World Stage kay. =)

ps: Sometimes you still think I'm that easily fooled ryte? Every move you take tells me exactly what you are thinkin n feelin. Stop denying the fact its olwiz bout him. Its not even the fact where I had to put myself in your situation to understand. I noe perfectly whats going on standing from my side. I'm not the only 1 thinking so too. Sometimes its better to admit then deny. Sometimes you fool not only those around but yourself.

pps: I shouldn't say more should I? Everything you did not only hurt yourself. You hurt so many more ppl that you are unaware of. You being you. You'll never understand where you go wrong, for everything to you seems as tho you are the victim. Look around you! See how many you ave hurt! See how many are still struggling to walk thru that hurt you ave caused. Wake up! A guy olwiz ave to evolve around you don't they?

ppps: pls realise it.

pppps: it hurts :( I didn't realize it would be this f'kin hurtful.

♥4:14 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Short msg:

Smart me actually forgot that tomorrow is actually 17th August.
The most dreaded day by all CAT n ACCA students.


Results coming out tomorrow. Haihz. Suan lah.

Just had to accept how bad its gonna be.

ps: we all know deep down in our hearts who actually won.

pps: its not even the fact that we ask you after them. Its the fact you had let us down too many time to even begin with. everything evolves around him aye?

♥10:43 PM

Short msg:

Juz got home not long from MTV World Stage. All I can is it was crazily AWESOMEEE!!!

Estrange BLG Hoobastank Raygun ARR PixieLott Kasabian.

Dead tired now. Will blog more bout it soon kay. =)

ps: its not that we don't ask you out. Its the fact that you olwiz says no. The fact that you say yes to someone else while rejecting us, is makin us not ask u out. Did you realise how many outings had you missed? ALOT!

pps: Can't wait for the friendly match at CHS later @4pm. Monash vs CHS. Sunway vs El Ninos.

♥1:50 AM

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The promised post on Singapore Ultimate Open. It was seriously awesome seeing so many other pro's there. I would most definitely go again next year. Hopefully with Sunway team. :)



Realise the disc reads Singapore Open 2009 either way? Chunted rytee??! teeehee~

We were all given goody bags which consisted of a disc,towel by brewerkz, bottle opener by brewerkz and some granola bars.

View from above

This is how pampered we are. Tents that has raise platform enabling us to sit n sleep without worryin bout the grass being wet etc etc. Not only that, its sufficient for 24teams to be hiding in the shades. The best part is it comes with FAN!! teeheee~~!!


All of them semangat S'pore for that day. 9th August - Singapore's National Day.

Guan Han

The ever so cool looking captian. He hardly even smile! D;

Mike the entertainer

Notice his weird expression? Thats basically due to the fact that he actually stuffed the entire orange (after peeling) into his mouth. While trying to squeeze the juice all out, the rest were saying random jokes making him laugh.

Well stuffing the whole orange into the mouth - Mike alright~!

Darren WHITE!

Look at the amount of sunblock he apply lahh.. If he still gets charcoal burn I really boh comment liow..

Sleeping beauty

Eugene (I think thats how its spelled) one of the MVP for SUO. His defence is crazily good. Diving endlessly. Sad thing is he is so crazily fast that daddy didn't manage to get any of his diving shots.

Granpa King

I feel so lucky to be flank by my Granpa n Granma in SUO. If only mummy was around too!!

Team chuckies



Well, whats Ultimate without beer? lol.

This are just the picture taken from my faithful Sony. More pictures can be found in facebook.

I was playing for El Ninos in SUO. Well, all I can say is I played badly in SUO. =/

Oh o~! I forgot to mention that, besides having tents with fan provided. We were given freeflow of banana's, apples, oranges and water and ice of course. Not to mention each player were allowed to bottles of Isotonic drink - Pokari Sweat.

Will MUO be this good next year? =D

ps: nah~! a post with pictures. lols!

♥10:24 AM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Short msg:

why are you just so fickle minded?

Firstly, you said okay already.
Now, NO?

It meant alot alot to me.

♥11:14 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Short msg:

A little upset.
Don't know why.

on the brighter side, bangkok hat here I come.

♥11:47 PM


Finish the last match against Vietnam team close to 5.30pm that day. Had to rush back from Sengkang back to Lakeside, 1hr ride sia. Then rush out again to meet someone.

I'm soooo sorry Uncle pillow had to wait so long =(

As usual he will always bring me eat good food =D me likey~

guess where

We went to Bugis Junction, Ma Maison, is basically a Japanese western restaurant.


Uncle pillow n me


Escargots were lovely. Sizzling hot even till the last. Tad bit too salty but the freshness and also juicyness made up for it =D

Assorted sausages

Hmm~ I sort of prefer the white sausage more. Just taste nicer too me. tee hee~ n I just realise something, the other time when you brought me to brewerkz we had sausages too! lol!!

Curry chicken rice

Where to begin where to begin. Okay, rice 1st.
The rice is basically japanese rice, as such its round and big and fat and sushi feel. hahaha!!
The curry is not spicy or too sweet, no curry powder taste (which is so rare these days).
The chicken was awesome, me being extremely picky with how tender the chicken should be, couldn't come up with anything to critize it at all.

All in all, it was really good.

Seafood pasta carbonara

This is one hell of a superb pasta. The creamy sauce is delicious and creamy in a way that wont make you feel too stuffed up or even 'jelak' to finish it up. It stays hot and creamy till the last bite.

Definetely a must try!

Hotel room key?

I must say Ma Maison have a very unique way of billing their customers. Instead of the usual boring piece of paper you have to hand to the cashier, at Ma Maison you'll be given a hotel room key. Its solid I tell yar.

Thanks aloooooot for the awesome dinner. It wasnt as costly as the other time we had dinner at Brewerkz. I feel much better that its less costly =D

Then, he brought me to meet some of his friend, including this 'nice jie jie' hahaha.. I must say I feel extremely small and short beside them all. Sigh~

Claw machine!!

Went to 2 different arcade and I see a whole big section of those machines.. hahaha.. Despite their age, they were practically trying to claw some plushies out. All done by the guys, no choice lorh girlfriend wants it wud.. lols~

Guess where =)

My first time going there. Wud to do~ it has been 8months since I last went to S'pore. This time didn't even get to walk around much =(

Later on, took a bus with them and head off for some alcohol. ^^

Guess where =D


I'm not really a big fan of beer so he choosed something else for me. Pretty good. =D

me want more. lol

Still don't know where is that? Hint hint: facing the river. hahaha!!

Didn't really stayed up the whole night with them as I still have a couple more matches to go the next day. Lucky me, managed to catch the last train back =D


As usual, will always buy some chocolates back. tee hee~ Legs ache like crap when I had to walk over to the supermarket. The usually less then 10mins walk took me close to 20mins. haha..


Not to mention, I've been eating supa dark choco. 99% to be exact. Lingy said thats not even chocolate. lol! Its seriously good okay. Need to get more 99% XD

Speaking of which, Uncle Pillow bought me dark chocolate when he went touring Europe. me :hearts: choco

ps: up next SUO

♥4:47 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Short msg:

Is back from SUO. Crazily tiring but extremely fun and awesome!
For once, not badly sunburn but just tan. lols
Will blog more bout it soon.

Just had F8 PT earlier.
Don't know what you all are expecting but I didn't staD crap.

F9 2moro. Time to staD.

Pics will be up a.s.a.p

♥7:20 PM

Friday, August 7, 2009

Short msg:

F7 progress test 1 ended 2hrs ago. Its was dreadful.
What more you want me to say?
Expected it tho. lol

Anyway~ going off S'pore soon.

Note: I'm only bring my Digi there. Maxis no roaming.

Will be back supa late on Sunday. =)

ps: I finally saw all the teams in SUO. So gonna get arse kik mahn. *dies*

♥7:28 PM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Short msg:

Don't know whats wrong,
but I'm dreading going classes everyday.

Staring at F7 notes blankly. Great.
I'm doomed 2moro.

Hop into Segi again today, AnjingLiar JinLe was there again.

Can't wait for 2moro evening to come. =D

Don't know what I'm duin.
dont know dont know dont know.

On the random side, I send an audio msg to lingy today.
She replied with an audio saying I'm supa freaky and weird. LoL!
Finally saying I was random. hahaha!!


♥7:09 PM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Short msg:

PT1 is just round the corner. I'm so gonna flunk it =/
Believe me, I've been duin everything except studying. Sigh~

So sick and tired of studyin. Really feel like giving up.

On the other hand, I'm excited for this coming weekend =D
SUO baby! Can't wait can't wait.

Anyway~ will be going down SG on fri night. =)

♥10:26 PM

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures of me

Don't see if you can't stand seeing muah face. =)

Its all me~! Don't say I didn't warn you.




lingy after her concert.

There was this awesome picture I took with lingy. Me in heels hugging her yet still shorter than her! darn will show you what I mean asap =)


♥2:14 PM

All I had to say

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