Friday, May 30, 2008
Short msg:Its been a very very unlucky day.. ishkk~~ why? coz ryte..1. I got a tiny weeny super effin small wood in my index finger -_-" the c2pid thingy just won't come out? ftw haihzz.. And its seriously missin inside there sumwhere jor.. T-T *sniff* how how? wuhuuuu~~2.I have measels -_______________-ftw? omg.. This wun was super unexpected lehhh.. Suddenly in the afternoon lidat I started itchin all over? I tot mayb juz itchy lahh.. biasa lorhh den.. xpeh sia~ den it got worst o____o I tot mayb coz nyamuk gigit? why? coz got small small dots like mosquito bites.. urghhh~~!! see see dinner time.. daddy say most probz measels.. got ask granny and see..See See.. really =___= ape ni lahhh.. exam round the corner nia lehh.. haihz~!! suan leh lahh.. took med jor.. now super drowsy @_@ pifff~~!!*~MaeYan~*
♥10:20 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Short msg:Paiseh dat recently all the post kinda emo and all..? haha.. Seriously not in the best mood today.. Don't ask why.. anyway.. I'll update some pictures up A.S.A.P kay.. Pictures on latest happenin bah.. =)p.s: Exam is only less den 5days away.. Even tho i'm not prepared at all.. I still wish everyone all the best xD jia you lehhh everyone.. ^^v~ add oil orhh.. we muz try our best to get out from CAT this sem.. We shall meet in ACCA the next sem.. hehe..p.p.s: for fwenz dat havta stay another sem don't be sad.. we will olwiz be der when u nid us.. Mayb we might even havta wait for you all to move up togather lehh..
♥10:59 PM
I'm no longer sure of wud I'm duin le.. No longer have the will power anymore..No matter what izzit now,I can't seem to know wud am I duin..I don't know where will all this lead to..I'm uncertain if I had made the ryte move in the 1st place,it all seem so wrong now as I take a step into it..I wish I knew how to answer you sumtimes..I wish I did not started tokin to u in the 1st place..I wish I knew wud to do now..I'm so lost now..Why muz u do this to me now..?Why won't you gimme more time..?Why.. Why..???一切就如发了一场梦,一场很美妙的梦。一旦醒过来时,就一无所有。Once again I'm feeling weird all over.. Have the feelin that I might just succum soon.. My dear dear body pweaseee don't gibe up on me now T.T I still nid you badly to get thru my exam's.. sigh~*~MaeYan~*
♥8:35 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
#EditedAfraid that if time gets better of me.. I would choose to run again.. I don't wanna bweak the pwomise I made.. Yet I'm afraid I'll avoid it T.Tfluck me lahhh T_____T ishkk~~I soOoo wanna jump down the cliff now for my endless unset mind? LoL!How how..?? =( Some advice perhaps it should be done A.S.A.PHmm~ wud do u think? I'm kinda thinkin like soon.. as in seriously soon.. O____OSumtimes I really hate my stubborn attitude.. urgh~~ I guess during those time I was indeed blinded by the anger in me..? The feeling of being.....yea..dat was den I guess..Come to think of it.. why was I soOo pissed anyway? hmm.. Guess I noe why in a way? =/ishkk~ i'm soOoo fickle minded now.. @.@# I think I've set my mind lehh.. Its best solved quickly.. Sumtimes I can't stand the awkwardness.. but yet its there.. I've been runnin to looOoong jor.. its time for my pair of legs to rest.. =)
♥8:24 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
short msg:突然感觉.. 好累.. 好累。一切仿佛已经停下来了。我的时间慢慢的.. 消失了。曾与你一起拥有的美好时光.. 流失了。我得往前走。的学习如何抛开。*~MaeYan~*
♥1:22 AM
This may be a very very short post.. but all that matters is the sincerity of the post.. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to shout out loud..
*huggiesss & muacks~*Big gurl jor lorh =D muz olwiz smile smile lehh.. waiit.. I mean muz olwiz stay cheerful lorhh ^^ Kennot show sad sad face de lehh.. Not leng lui de.. =x hehe.. Also JiaYou for coming finals.. All the best~! XD hehe..p.s: Paiseh its such a short post =/*~MaeYan~*
♥12:00 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
It seems too real to be true. Yet it doesnt have to be false.Will this feeling end?Will it all come to an end? Or is this just merely the beginning?Wishing it will last.Is this feeling ever gonna last? 熊猫仔,一切都如你说的吗?每一句话都是事实吗?*~MaeYan~*
♥8:51 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
short msg:Certified Brain DEAD*~MaeYan~*
♥9:48 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A couple of issues lingered at the corner of my mind.Brushing it aside seems to be the only choice I have now.No other alternatives are available for the time being.Leaving it lingering in my mind is not a wise move.Yet,that seems to be the best move now.No matter which issue am I referring to now.I made a promise to myself.... the most important will be solved once exams are over.I know that I'm running away from the fact.But how long will I be able to run..?Certain things are best solved immediately.Yet here I am dragging it for ages.Yes. I will keep that promise I made.... for I cannot afford to lose an important friend.Too much time had been wasted.Too many foolish move had been made.For now this is the best move I believe.Put a little fate in me. Believe and trust me.I will have the courage to face it when exams are over.The other issue can only be solve.... when the important ones are being solved.I believe that a certain amount of time will come to a standstill for us.I believe everything would come to a happy ending.I believe our bond will be strengthen.I believe this is not the ending....this is the beginning of a long lasting friendship.*~MaeYan~*
♥11:14 PM
我.. 选择了逃避。
害怕.. 曾经拥有会一一消失。
朋友.. 是一辈子的。
时间.. 是不等人的。更不会回到过去。
一切就等完毕了再说。 *~MaeYan~*
♥8:30 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
在痛苦中,我不想在否认。我的确是有打开。可我没看内容,我知道看下去.. 对你,对我,都没好处。当天,我选着了逃避。一直到如经,我还是在逃避要面对你的事实。对他,也只是当时一会儿的
兴趣。说真的,在无选着的地步下,我宁可还有我们一直以来的友亲。好想念开朗的我们。。更想念与你有说不完的话题。不知从何事开时,我们之间多了一道墙壁。我们真的要任由这道墙把我们一直亲密的感情给毁了吗?难道一切就如烟花?只要趁灿烂过就已足够了?时间.. 可以冲淡一切,更可以把我们的要好感亲也给拉远。我不甘心.. 真的好不甘心我们的友亲如此的经不起考验。我好想知道.. 我们的这分感情还有的挽救吗?你肯打开心门吗?让我们把所有的一切一切解决好吗?虽是一道非常难走的路..但我有信心凭我们两倔强的性格,一定可以走完这条路。我想..你也不想看着我们的这一份友亲这样就结束吧?*~MaeYan~*
♥12:00 AM
Monday, May 19, 2008
omg.. !@#!% I just can't believe it.. urgh~~!!! fluckz lahhh.. T_T wuhuuuu~!!!There's a bloody lizard roaming free in my sis room.. ftw~ dat is like.. soOooOo totally ryte beside my room? *wailss~!!!* I wan cry d lahhh.. *sobssss* Most of you shud know ryte.. how friggin sked am I of that tiny little thingy.. V_______V I can just die knowing dat anytime the lizard would decided to come creepin into my room..Imagine in the morning suddenly wake up.. and see a pair of small beady eyes blinkin back at you.. I tell you I sure scream till the entire neighbourhood wakes up lorhh.. AHhhhhHH~~!!!! I'm just effin sked of dat thingyy.. wuHUhuuu~~~!!!!!!!!!Linggyyy ar.. Y____Y why did you let a lizard into your room lahh.. You do realise your like just next to my room nia? *criesss* How am I even gonna sleep tonite lahhh -____-" omg..~!!! *~MaeYan~*
♥9:23 PM
*oopss~* I soOoo totally forgotten that today's my dear dear Kor's birthday ^~^HAPPY BURFDAY ALLEN kor kor~~!! *huggiesss*Someone old jor lorh.. wauKAkaka =x When are u coming down KL again lahh..? quite sometime din see you jor ='( *sniff sniff**~MaeYan~*
♥6:41 PM
I'm starting to wonder wud-the-heck is wrong with me..?Why am I giving out cold treatments..?It doesn't make sense at all..Its most certainly not helping in closing the void..Something has gone wrong sumwhere inside my head..Maybe a loosen screw?urgh~~!*~MaeYan~*
♥6:36 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
[[ 如今,我只能怀念。怀念和我发信息直到深夜的你。怀念你坚定而真诚地对我说的那一句:我爱你。]]
♥8:59 PM
A gentle wind nearby send a piled of freshly raked dried leaves into a swirl of tornado. Admiring it from the porch,Serresa let out a long sigh. A sigh so heart wrenching mades people wonder whats worries the pretty brunette have encounter.Millions of thoughts ran through her mind. A frown could be seen across her beautifully featured face. Thinking back of the days happening. Serresa could not help wondering was this the path she really wants. Little scars and wounds here and there might have sealed itself up as time passes by. Yet an unpredictable fall would unseal the wound,leaving it to bleed. The existence of this void is actually increasing in depth. Serresa knew too well that both parties had been refraining. Neither would any try crossing the line drawn by themself. A line only visible by the involving party. Silent tears rolled down her rosy cheek,how she wished things had never change,they were as it was. Another rustled of leaves brought her back to reality. The past had been memorable. She knew fairly well her own attitude. Her cold harshness rubbing aside all concerns. She knew that there is one particular scar that would not heal in time course. Yet,she's determine for it to be healed.*~MaeYan~*
♥12:12 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
眼眶湿润我的家在一个偏僻的山村,父母都是面朝黄土背朝天的农民.我有一个小我三岁的弟弟.有一次我为了买女孩子们都有的花手绢,偷偷拿了父亲抽屉里5毛钱.父亲当天就发现钱少了,就让我们跪在墙边,拿着一根竹竿,让我们承认到底是谁偷的.我被当时的情景吓傻了,低着头不敢说话.父亲见我们都不承认,说那两个一起挨打.说完就扬起手里的竹竿,忽然弟弟抓住父亲的手大声说,爸,是我偷的,不是姐干的,你打我吧!父亲手里的竹竿无情地落在弟弟的背上,肩上,父亲气得喘不过气来,打完了坐在炕上骂道:"你现在就知道偷家里的,将来长大了还了得?我打死你这个不争气的." 当天晚上,我和母亲搂着满身是伤痕的弟弟,弟弟一滴眼泪都没掉.半夜里,我突然号啕大哭,弟弟用小手捂住我的嘴说,姐,你别哭,反正我也挨完打了. 我一直在恨自己当时没有勇气承认,事过多年,弟弟为了我挡竹竿的样子我仍然记忆犹新.那一年,弟弟8岁,我11岁. 弟弟中学毕业那年,考上了县里的重点高中.同时我也接到了省城大学的录取通知书.那天晚上,父亲蹲在院子里一袋一袋地抽着旱烟,嘴里还叨咕着,俩娃都这么争气,真争气.母亲偷偷地抹着眼泪说争气有啥用啊,拿啥供啊?弟弟走到父亲面前说,爸,我不想念了,反正也念够了.父亲一巴掌打在弟弟的脸上,说,你咋就这么没出息?我就是砸锅卖铁也要把你们姐俩供出来.说完转身出去挨家借钱.我抚摸着弟弟红肿的脸说,你得念下去,男娃不念书就一辈子走不出这穷山沟了.弟弟看着我,点点头.当时我已经决定放弃上学的机会了.没想到第二天天还没亮,弟弟就偷偷带着几件破衣服和几个干巴馒头走了,在我枕边留下一个纸条:姐,你别愁了,考上大学不容易,我出去打工供你.弟. 我握着那张字条,趴在炕上,失声痛哭.那一年,弟弟17岁,我20岁. 我用父亲满村子借的钱和弟弟在工地里搬水泥挣的钱终于读到了大三.一天我正在寝室里看书,同学跑进来喊我,梅子,有个老乡在找你.怎么会有老乡找我呢?我走出去,远远地看见弟弟,穿着满身是水泥和沙子的工作服等我.我说,你咋和我同学说你是我老乡啊? 他笑着说,你看我穿的这样,说是你弟,你同学还不笑话你? 我鼻子一酸,眼泪就落了下来.我给弟弟拍打身上的尘土,哽咽着说你本来就是我弟,这辈子不管穿成啥样,我都不怕别人笑话. 他从兜里小心翼翼地掏出一个用手绢包着的蝴蝶发夹,在我头上比量着,说我看城里的姑娘都戴这个,就给你也买一个.我再也没有忍住,在大街上就抱着弟弟哭起来.那一年,弟弟20岁,我23岁. 我第一次领男朋友回家,看到家里掉了多少年的玻璃安上了,屋子里也收拾得一尘不染.男朋友走了以后我向母亲撒娇,我说妈,咋把家收拾得这么干净啊?母亲老了,笑起来脸上像一朵菊花,说这是你弟提早回来收拾的,你看他手上的口子没?是安玻璃时划的. 进弟弟的小屋里,看到弟弟日渐消瘦的脸,心里很难过.他还是笑着说,你第一次带朋友回家,还是城里的大学生,不能让人家笑话咱家. 我给他的伤口上药,问他,疼不? 他说,不疼.我在工地上,石头把脚砸得肿得穿不了鞋,还干活儿呢……说到一半就把嘴闭上不说了. 我把脸转过去,哭了出来.那一年,弟弟23岁,我26岁. 我结婚以后,住在城里,几次和丈夫要把父母接来一起住,他们都不肯,说离开那村子就不知道干啥了.弟弟也不同意,说姐,你就全心照顾姐夫的爸妈吧,咱爸妈有我呢. 丈夫升上厂里的厂长,我和他商量把弟弟调上来管理修理部,没想到弟弟不肯,执意做了一个修理工. 一次弟弟登梯子修理电线,让电击了住进医院.我和丈夫去看他.我抚着他打着石膏的腿埋怨他,早让你当干部你不干,现在,摔成这样,要是不当工人能让你去干那活儿吗? 他一脸严肃地说,你咋不为我姐夫着想着想呢?他刚上来,我又没文化,直接就当官,给他造成啥影响啊? 丈夫感动得热泪盈眶,我也哭着说,弟啊,你没文化都是姐给你耽误了.他拉过我的手说,都过去了,还提它干啥? 那一年,弟弟26岁,我29岁. 弟弟30岁那年,才和一个本分的农村姑娘结了婚.在婚礼上,主持人问他,你最敬爱的人是谁,他想都没想就回答,我姐. 弟弟讲起了一个我都记不得的故事:我刚上小学的时候,学校在邻村,每天我和我姐都得走上一个小时才到家.有一天,我的手套丢了一只,我姐就把她的给我一只,她自己就戴一只手套走了那么远的路.回家以后,我姐的那只手冻得都拿不起筷子了.从那时候,我就发誓我这辈子一定要对我姐好. 台下一片掌声,宾客们都把目光转向我. 我说,我这一辈子最感谢的人是我弟.在我最应该高兴的时刻,我却止不住泪流满面.*~MaeYan~*
♥10:00 PM
sorta like this pic lurh.. even tho DingDing look abit weird =x n there's a line kacau kacau..
*tsk tsk tsk* soh lou =p *blweK*
First attempt~ wah wah~~!! Don't blow it down orh.. O___O
peek-a-boOo~! I see you~!!! =D
Second attempt~ the beginnin structure? hehe =)
continuation with 2nd deck of cards~
Finally~ the top of the top.. kekekeke.. xD
and this is how the top looks like.. super unstable lookin ryte? @_@
hehe.. so this is wud I did in college instead of staDing.. =S die die
♥9:03 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
This stowie I found from the net.. I felt that no matter how frustrated you are with you loved one.. never try to ignore them for too long.. Don't just think they will eventually come back to you.. It may be too late..一个女生看了会哭,男生看了会沉默的文章
♥11:59 PM
我發誓再也不為誰流眼淚冬天寒冷飄冽的日子過去了,轉眼間春天來了,迎接著第一縷陽光的到來 心裏暖暖的 正月十五去看煙花 很美好的感覺 煙花綻放在天空一瞬間再墜落 有種想要哭的沖動 不想要時間前進 想靜止在一瞬間 停留住那時的一切 可是都將成為過去 走在風中今天陽光突然很溫柔 然後把你的改變孤獨的背後 天邊風光都不在你眼中 我從來都不懂得 你的世界就要你擁有 孤單的是我的溫柔 不知道不明了不詳要 為什麽我的心 每一次想靠近 卻孤單到黎明 那愛情的綺麗 卻總是在孤獨裏 卻把我最好的愛給你今生今世不再為任何人流淚 不再叫任何人看到我的孤獨 孤獨是自己的 自己慢慢體會的 不要別人來分享 是自私 是無奈 是空虛 都好 都不要去迎接 因為沒有勇氣去面對 只能選擇逃避 做一個逃避者 或許會笑 笑沒勇氣 不想要放棄但是 . . . 怕被傷害*~MaeYan~*
♥11:03 PM
Pictures and other happenings will be posted up another day.. as for now.. before the clock ticks 12.. I havta do this very important post.. =) hehe..Wondering wuds DingDing n Billy duin?
Once the fon was being answered by the person.. this was wud they did..
hehe.. yep yepz.. I was one of them whu wished him over the fon.. at a very late time? haha.. I initially tot was yesterday lehhh =x paiseh paiseh o.. hehe..
So Leng Zai~! you dai gor jor lorhh.. don't keep thinkin of biting and strangling ppl only orh =p hehe.. guai guai lorhh.. sang seng lorhh.. hahahha!!! ohyar.. most importantly staD lehhh!!! xD
p.s:exam coming liow.. staD ppl.. get motivated =D and jia you jia you ^^v~
♥9:31 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
sometimes I wished all of this had never happened.but sadness and sorrow are part of life's comes togather with happiness and I wished there is a time machine.enabling me to undo all regrets made.yet after that happens,everything would take a 360degree changes.changes too strong to withhold perhaps?its foolish tryin to cling onto something.something not meant for you.wish I had the power to correct you. perhaps I do.certain things are best left untold.finding out the secret within it might just be the most beautiful thing left to be done.*~MaeYan~*
♥10:56 PM
due to the fact that there are a couple of b-a-n-a-n-a-s reading my blog.. and bising why in chinese.. hence.. I decided to gibe this link here. ohyar.. gotta warn u all first lorhh.. translation sure super cacat wun.. after all its like direct translation? haha.. + I super lazey to do it myself =x so bear wif it dulu kay? hehe..
♥9:54 PM
Presenting dear dear LeeMei~~ *huggiesss* (paiseh pic blur blur)
Enjoyed kai kai with you dat day ^^ hehe.. even tho it was seriously super hawt + tiring.. haha.. and very sakit hati seeing those baju cheaper at another stall.. 2dollar.. meaning RM4.60 lehhh!!! sakit hati lorhh~ sigh~~ Next time we shall go sumwhere else kai kai kay =) sumwhere wif air-con.. lalala~ maybe vivo city.. hmm~ xD hehe..*~MaeYan~*
♥9:15 PM
Originally wanted to post something else.. but decided against it.. so guess that post can wait aye? =p hehe.. Anyway~Introducing the vain Berry~~~!!!
See lahh.. she actually just sit down there lookin up at the camera.. vain ryte? haihz~ couldn't get a picture of my other dear dear cookie~ hehe.. coz dat wun keep avoidin the camera -_- ishk~
wutchya lookin at ;phehe~ kute ryte?? keke.. shall get cookie's picture soon =p
♥8:58 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
我是你最爱的丫头 倘若有一天我死了,你会再娶其它女人么?”我记得问这话是在我与君的结婚一周年纪念日上。那时,他正忙着与锅里的鲜鱼对战,根本无暇理睬我。
玲笑得很灿烂,可我觉得很冷 “瞧!你老婆死得多好啊。多会挑时间啊。连离婚都省得你和她说了……”“啪!”我看见君打了玲一巴掌。我惊呆了!君怎么会打人呢?他平时连骂一声都不曾有过的。如此温柔的君竟然会打人?他还有多少是我不曾知道的??
♥7:37 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
crap.. I'm back to the habit of posting few times a day ~_~ urghh~~ One minute you see me posting few times a day.. Next thing you know maybe only once a week.. haha.. I sot sot jor lehh.. @_@ but den when ingat wanna post or voice out sumthing best do it at once wud o.o Anyway~ here goes.. A story of Him n HerAll unfamiliar faces surrounded her when she walked into the school. For once in many years, fear crept up her spines. Joining into the crowd trying to blend in. She stood up among the group, failing miserably.
For a couple of days/weeks/months,she led a quiet and lonely life. All in her mind was to score for the exams. Little did she knew things would have change by a little miscevious.
She knew all this while he had a gal he cared for. That didn't stop her trying to get close with him. Staying as friends were all they wanted. Yet things doesn't seem to go according to how they wanted it.
Suddenly the ground caved in,revealing a deep and dark pit only seeable by their own eyes. It was the pit of love. Both feel so deep down without realising the consequences that would come.
Yes. She betrayed her guy for him. He betrayed his gal for her.
Typically ironic? Love is blind after all.
Naive her thought that eternity are meant for them. She believed that distances would not pull them apart. She trusted that no one would be able to spilt them up.
Only to find out,distances did create a void between them. A void so great that it shocked her. Even though no third party appearance had broken them up,it was still someone that did. Disturbed that he made the sole decision.
They once promised on sharing everything togather,going through all the difficult path togather. Yet he broke all the promised that night. He shattered the dream they once shared togather.
Sometime had passed since they decided to walk their own path. Finally a message she had wish would come really did came. Only difference was she did not feel the anxiety upon receiving it.
She did think twice before giving him an answer. An answer that left him feeling emotionless. If only he had been persistent. If only he was willing to start going after her again.
Time ticked by slowly,she soon found someone in her life. Someone willing to hear her endless rant. Someone willing to scold her without hesitation. Someone willing to entertain the crazy her. That was all it required to made her feel loved again.
That someone was suppose to be very final dream. Yet again and again all was lost to distances and differences and lack of time. That was it required to shattered her dream into a million tiny bits.
All this while,she was still concious of him. Why won't he make a move? She feels worried for his health and safety. She wished he did not made that decision that night. Perhaps things would be different then.
All this while,trying to act nothing happened. Yet she knew it clearly in her mind. He had never given up hope on her. He had always wanted her back. Had been hoping to tell her how much she meant to him.
Chances are always there. One just has to grasp it.
She thought long and hard about it. It is glad to know that he still cares about her. She just wanted him to know that all this while she had been ignorant. She didn't want to give false hope to anyone. For she knew the door to her heart has been closed once and for all. *~MaeYan~*
♥10:17 PM
Had one of the most disturbing sight today..After picking my bro up from his usual bball practice.. While driving home I passby SMKDJ there lurh.. I saw sumthing lying on the road.. I tot maybe those big big tree leaf + branch drop down or so lurh.. So I made a mental note to avoid going over it..and twank gawd I avoided it.. Lying on the road was the dead grey cat.. T.T *sniff* How could someone knock a cat down lehh.. Even if they have 9lifes also don't go bang them down lidat lahh.. sigh~ Imagine if I had gone over it.. ftw This like the 2nd or 3rd time? I remember once was a white doggie sumore lehhh T____T Its seriously so disturbing that time I wanted to just brake and stop there that time.. I don't care if the behind car ram on me.. This time I was in shock.. but i still managed to control my emotions lurhh.. haihz~*~MaeYan~*
♥7:25 PM
11th MayMost people would be busy celebrating MOTHER's Day and all..but to me.. It would just be sum simple celebration perhaps? no~! I'm not the organizer and will never be..few close fwenz would know I never liked Her..there's just too many happenings that never felt me favouring her..yet she's still my mum.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I just realise it was the 11th.. and it actually meant something else too.. hmm~ wondering how are you feeling o.0 sick till gonna die muz tell me.. I sure go find you ;p *blweK~* wuaKAkaka =x klah duwan curse you YET =D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the feeling was weird.. I think I was smiling to myself!! O____O ftw~?*~MaeYan~*
♥2:58 PM
Things HAD never been the same.This time I'm pretty sure it WILL never be the same again.I tried believing YOU. I did try.Eventhough I never fully did,I thought YOU were trustable.Alas~it had clearly struck me.Why is it that YOU have to do this?YOU knew it long time ago.Yet YOU decided to fall into it.I'm lost for words.YOU assured me that nothing is going on.Yet the way YOU put it made me felt it was a lie.Yes. A beautiful lie.I never really believed it was that simple. Only to know it was as I predicted.I was trying to ignore the fact that I knew for sometime.Tried a million times pushing it away from my mind.I knew this would happen.I fail to realise YOU would backstab me.It hurts knowing YOU were the one who deceive me all this while.I did a wise move when I first started suspecting. He was being blocked out of my life.The tiny gap open in my heart was being sealed. I knew it was the right move.Now,after learning the truth I was glad I did that a long time ago.I knew YOU had gone deep in. Unlike me He barely entered myne.Tried avoid talking much to Him did help. Avoid confrontation helped more.YOU would never admit it to me. I rather YOU did. It hurt me even more knowing YOU had lied to me.I knew YOU didn't want me to find out. But the smile on YOUR face gave YOU away.Yes I found out long ago.Now I confirm it. Don't ask how did I confirmed it.I just wished YOU told me about it.At least I won't have felt backstab.Think. YOU need someone to share all this with YOU.I might not have the humour He had. But I'm YOUR GF YOU can count on.I blocked all of Him totally out from my mind for now He's just an ordinary guy. There's no denying that I had liked Him for sometime. There's just no point denying it. Consider my dear~ We have to open up more.
Can't wait for YOU to come over. Soon I hope?I really want to change things back as before.Erase His existence. YOU knew it was Him that had change us both.*~MaeYan~*
♥2:05 PM
BoOo~! I'm back from SG liow.. xD hehe.. As most people shud know I was in SG since thrusday.. Been too busy shoppin to actually staD @_@ haihzzz.. die lurh.. lol.. Despite that I did even manage to walk at least 1 round of VIVO city,Tangs,JurongPoint,IMM,Takashimaya and many many more.. urghhh~~!!! Thats it I'm going der again during SG sales =D *winkwink* hehe.. after all their sales really sales lehhh.. =OOf coz I met up wif dear dear LeeMei also lurh.. Din take much picture tho =/ sigh~~ but there is 1 or 2? I'll post it up another day lah.. ;p kekekex~*~MaeYan~*
♥1:58 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
1.5.2008Here are some random snaps taken during our wonderful time spent on a perfectly sunny Labour day.. Sowie if pictures does not have any caption.. really very lazey leh =x neway more pictures can be found here and here. Pictures will not be in sequence.. Enjoy tho =)



(I-don't-know-how-to-spell-his-name =x)
introducing mitheart (I don't know how 2 spell his name..but yea dats who it sounded like) but~ His actually formally known as Kenya to us =p



Team Pheonix's own personal munkey =x
Wondering wuds with the 'proposin-dwinkin-water-pose'

Our team~ 3 cheers for us~!!! xD hehe..
Hence it comes to an end for our day in UM~ Next we headed off to McD around 1+?? mm hmm~ lunchy time..
Half of our (me,ray,jodie,kenny) food.. ;p *blweK~*
*drools* yummy~~~ look at how many layers~ and the cheeseee~~~!! hahaa!!
*. . . dot dot dot* speechless~
this only proves he has big mouth =x being able to fit the entire big mac in~
After finish eating we decided to sit around while waiting for the clock to chime at 3pm? haha.. why why whyyy lehh?
Jeng jeng jenggg~~~!!!
The BIG MAC CHANT CHALLENGE is HERE~!!!! (this is so not a adv for McD)
With 7 'entry form' to participate in this challenge.. 2 fellow fwenz were being given the devoted job ;p lalala~ One is SS~!!! (syiok sendiri) Will the other is YeeLee? (dam I don't know how spell his name lehh @_@)
SS~!! 2 entries were being made by him.. xD BRAVOO~~!! (even though both attempt failed =x)
Introducing the guy of the day~!! yeelee?(sumthing lidat lahh) Note that the McD timer guy is seriously super panicky liow? hahahha!!!
Wanna know why? *grin* this is mainly because~~
*drum rolls*
LOL!!! anyway~ as I was saying the fellar super panic jor.. coz ryte.. he ardy gave out 4 free BigMac 'voucher' to him liow.. wauAKAKkakak~!!! thats 4 x Rm6+.. lalalala~~
there~ prove ;p *blweK~*
Note:in the end only managed to bagged 5? well~ the last attempt has to be another person.. sad sad~
Anyway~ that was wud happen on labour day xp
Today's Jay class was seriously abit notty? hahaha.. but funnie lahh.. More bout it will be up soon.. at least after I come back from SG lahh =D
♥7:17 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Short msg:
Take note people I won't be aorund from this thursday nite onwards till sunday? Hopefully will be back by then.. Duwan to miz T5 edc/efc.. Anyway,I'll be down in SG lurh.. ^^ LeeMei~~~!!! I'll contact you as soon as I reach or the next day morning lah kay.. XD so make sure free to go kai kai wif me orhh.. hehe.. As for all my other SG fwenz out there.. Wanna meet up? If so please leave me a contact? hahaha.. Doubt any would leave it in my taggy.. But leave a msg in taggy and I'll get back to you before I leave for SG.. =)
Anyway,had been havin 2 days of Jay's edc/efc for Audit? Mentally and physically exhausted liow lorh.. haihz.. Still got 1 more day to go =D hehe..
I'll try put up the pictures kay? I know I have extremely alot of back-dated pics.. @_@ Its pillin up more and more liow.. noooo~~!!
BTW!! Wanna take the opportunity here to wish Darren a VERY VERY BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY =D hehe.. Pictures of the day we celebrate for him after class could be found here . So check it out? Coz I think its abit time consumin to post here and there =x hehe..More random pictures up soon.. most likely Labour day pictures? whu know's =p *blweK~**~MaeYan~*
♥8:42 PM